Sudoku powered by the dark arts of window.location.hash
, which means zero page refreshes are required. Unfortunately this means that the browser history gets spammed.
Playable right here, Secret Sudoku unlocked a series of unique experiences for me. It's not every day that you find yourself brute forcing a 19th-century newspaper puzzle. Or, better yet, getting Travis CI to do it for you.
test('app plays without error', () => {const game = main(this, sudoku);game.startGame();for (let i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {// 0-81, 0-9if ( * 82), Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)) === true) {/* This test will usually complete the game six times over,adjust the difficulty randomly on completion */game.startGame(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6));};}});
It turns out that all you need are some emotes, a few eventListeners, and a dream. Many thanks to Rob McGuire-Dale and his wonderful Sudoku generator/solver. And to Mathew Rayfield for showing that you can animate URLs.
// Main render functionsthis.squaresFilled = () => this.board.join('').match(/[^.]/g).lengththis.completeness = () => `${this.squaresFilled()}/81`;this.start = () => `Secret_Sudoku_~_${this.completeness()}_~_row:`;this.render = (extra = '') => {window.location.hash = `${this.start()}${this.rowMap[this.row]}__${this.prettifyRow(this.currRow(), this.cursor)}${extra}`;}
Secret Sudoku is the perfect project to work on to help me relax in the evenings. It makes programming feel far more fun than logic abstraction should. Taking pull-requests today and every day hereafter.